Old Testament

New Testament

Numbers 35:19-27 New American Bible, Revised Edition (NABRE)

19. The avenger of blood is the one who will kill the murderer, putting the individual to death on sight.

20. If someone pushes another out of hatred, or throws something from an ambush, and death results,

21. or strikes another with the hand out of enmity and death results, the assailant must be put to death as a murderer. The avenger of blood will kill the murderer on sight.

22. However, if someone pushes another without malice aforethought, or without lying in ambush throws some object at another,

23. or without seeing drops upon another some death-dealing stone and death results, although there was neither enmity nor malice—

24. then the community will judge between the assailant and the avenger of blood in accordance with these norms.

25. The community will deliver the homicide from the avenger of blood and the community will return the homicide to the city of asylum where the latter had fled; and the individual will stay there until the death of the high priest who has been anointed with sacred oil.

26. If the homicide leaves at all the bounds of the city of asylum to which flight had been made,

27. and is found by the avenger of blood beyond the bounds of the city of asylum, and the avenger of blood kills the homicide, the avenger incurs no bloodguilt;

Read complete chapter Numbers 35