Old Testament

New Testament

Micah 1:4-12 New American Bible, Revised Edition (NABRE)

4. The mountains melt under himand the valleys split open,Like wax before the fire,like water poured down a slope.

5. All this is for the crime of Jacob,for the sins of the house of Israel.What is the crime of Jacob? Is it not Samaria?And what is the sin of the house of Judah?Is it not Jerusalem?

6. So I will make Samaria a ruin in the field,a place to plant vineyards;I will throw its stones into the valley,and lay bare its foundations.

7. All its carved figures shall be broken to pieces,all its wages shall be burned in the fire,and all its idols I will destroy.As the wages of a prostitute it gathered them,and to the wages of a prostitute they shall return.

8. For this I will lament and wail,go barefoot and naked;I will utter lamentation like the jackals,mourning like the ostriches,

9. For her wound is incurable;it has come even to Judah.It has reached to the gate of my people,even to Jerusalem.

10. Do not announce it in Gath,do not weep at all;In Beth-leaphrahroll in the dust.

11. Pass by,you who dwell in Shaphir!The inhabitants of Zaanando not come forth from their city.There is lamentation in Beth-ezel.It will withdraw its support from you.

12. The inhabitants of Marothhope for good,But evil has come down from the Lordto the gate of Jerusalem.

Read complete chapter Micah 1