Old Testament

New Testament

Lamentations 2:8-16 New American Bible, Revised Edition (NABRE)

8. The Lord was bent on destroyingthe wall of daughter Zion:He stretched out the measuring line;did not hesitate to devour,Brought grief on rampart and walltill both succumbed.

9. Her gates sank into the ground;he smashed her bars to bits.Her king and her princes are among the nations;instruction is wanting,Even her prophets do not obtainany vision from the Lord.

10. The elders of daughter Zionsit silently on the ground;They cast dust on their headsand dress in sackcloth;The young women of Jerusalembow their heads to the ground.

11. My eyes are spent with tears,my stomach churns;My bile is poured out on the groundat the brokenness of the daughter of my people,As children and infants collapsein the streets of the town.

12. They cry out to their mothers,“Where is bread and wine?”As they faint away like the woundedin the streets of the city,As their life is poured outin their mothers’ arms.

13. To what can I compare you—to what can I liken you—O daughter Jerusalem?What example can I give in order to comfort you,virgin daughter Zion?For your breach is vast as the sea;who could heal you?

14. Your prophets provided you visionsof whitewashed illusion;They did not lay bare your guilt,in order to restore your fortunes;They saw for you only oraclesof empty deceit.

15. All who pass by on the road,clap their hands at you;They hiss and wag their headsover daughter Jerusalem:“Is this the city they used to callperfect in beauty and joy of all the earth?”

16. They open their mouths against you,all your enemies;They hiss and gnash their teeth,saying, “We have devoured her!How we have waited for this day—we have lived to see it!”

Read complete chapter Lamentations 2