Old Testament

New Testament

Judith 16:15-21 New American Bible, Revised Edition (NABRE)

15. For the mountains to their basesare tossed with the waters;the rocks, like wax, melt before your glance.“But to those who fear you,you will show mercy.

16. Though the sweet fragrance of every sacrifice is a trifle,and the fat of all burnt offerings but little in your sight,one who fears the Lord is forever great.

17. “Woe to the nations that rise against my people!the Lord Almighty will requite them;in the day of judgment he will punish them:He will send fire and worms into their flesh,and they will weep and suffer forever.”

18. When they arrived at Jerusalem, they worshiped God. As soon as the people were purified, they offered their burnt offerings, voluntary offerings, and donations.

19. Judith dedicated to God all the things of Holofernes that the people had given her, putting under the ban the canopy that she herself had taken from his bedchamber.

20. For three months the people continued their celebration in Jerusalem before the sanctuary, and Judith remained with them.

21. When those days were over, all of them returned to their inheritance. Judith went back to Bethulia and remained on her estate. For the rest of her life she was renowned throughout the land.

Read complete chapter Judith 16