Old Testament

New Testament

Judith 11:4-8 New American Bible, Revised Edition (NABRE)

4. No one at all will harm you. Rather, you will be well treated, as are the servants of my lord, King Nebuchadnezzar.”

5. Judith answered him: “Listen to the words of your servant, and let your maidservant speak in your presence! I will say nothing false to my lord this night.

6. If you follow the words of your maidservant, God will successfully perform a deed through you, and my lord will not fail to achieve his designs.

7. I swear by the life of Nebuchadnezzar, king of all the earth, and by the power of him who has sent you to guide all living things, that not only do human beings serve him through you; but even the wild animals, and the cattle, and the birds of the air, because of your strength, will live for Nebuchadnezzar and his whole house.

8. Indeed, we have heard of your wisdom and cleverness. The whole earth is aware that you above all others in the kingdom are able, rich in experience, and distinguished in military strategy.

Read complete chapter Judith 11