Old Testament

New Testament

Job 41:2-12 New American Bible, Revised Edition (NABRE)

2. No one is fierce enough to arouse him;who then dares stand before me?

3. Whoever has assailed me, I will pay back—Everything under the heavens is mine.

4. I need hardly mention his limbs,his strength, and the fitness of his equipment.

5. Who can strip off his outer garment,or penetrate his double armor?

6. Who can force open the doors of his face,close to his terrible teeth?

7. Rows of scales are on his back,tightly sealed together;

8. They are fitted so close to each otherthat no air can come between them;

9. So joined to one anotherthat they hold fast and cannot be parted.

10. When he sneezes, light flashes forth;his eyes are like the eyelids of the dawn.

11. Out of his mouth go forth torches;sparks of fire leap forth.

12. From his nostrils comes smokeas from a seething pot or bowl.

Read complete chapter Job 41