Old Testament

New Testament

Job 34:14-32 New American Bible, Revised Edition (NABRE)

14. If he were to set his mind to it,gather to himself his spirit and breath,

15. All flesh would perish together,and mortals return to dust.

16. Now you—understand, hear this!Listen to the words I speak!

17. Can an enemy of justice be in control,will you condemn the supreme Just One,

18. Who says to a king, “You are worthless!”and to nobles, “You are wicked!”

19. Who neither favors the person of princes,nor respects the rich more than the poor?For they are all the work of his hands;

20. in a moment they die, even at midnight.People are shaken, and pass away,the powerful are removed without lifting a hand;

21. For his eyes are upon our ways,and all our steps he sees.

22. There is no darkness so densethat evildoers can hide in it.

23. For no one has God set a timeto come before him in judgment.

24. Without inquiry he shatters the mighty,and appoints others in their place,

25. Thus he discerns their works;overnight they are crushed.

26. Where the wicked are, he strikes them,in a place where all can see,

27. Because they turned away from himand did not understand his ways at all:

28. And made the cry of the poor reach him,so that he heard the cry of the afflicted.

29. If he is silent, who then can condemn?If he hides his face, who then can behold him,whether nation or individual?

30. Let an impious man not rule,nor those who ensnare their people.

31. Should anyone say to God,“I accept my punishment; I will offend no more;

32. What I cannot see, teach me:if I have done wrong, I will do so no more,”

Read complete chapter Job 34