Old Testament

New Testament

Job 34:1-9 New American Bible, Revised Edition (NABRE)

1. Then Elihu answered and said:

2. Hear my discourse, you that are wise;you that have knowledge, listen to me!

3. For the ear tests words,as the palate tastes food.

4. Let us choose what is right;let us determine among ourselves what is good.

5. For Job has said, “I am innocent,but God has taken away what is my right.

6. I declare the judgment on me to be a lie;my arrow-wound is incurable, sinless though I am.”

7. What man is like Job?He drinks in blasphemies like water,

8. Keeps company with evildoersand goes along with the wicked,

9. When he says, “There is no profitin pleasing God.”

Read complete chapter Job 34