Old Testament

New Testament

Jeremiah 23:14-28 New American Bible, Revised Edition (NABRE)

14. But among Jerusalem’s prophetsI saw something more shocking:Adultery, walking in deception,strengthening the power of the wicked,so that no one turns from evil;To me they are all like Sodom,its inhabitants like Gomorrah.

15. Therefore, thus says the Lord of hosts against the prophets:Look, I will give them wormwood to eat,and poisoned water to drink;For from Jerusalem’s prophetsungodliness has gone forth into the whole land.

16. Thus says the Lord of hosts:Do not listen to the words of your prophets,who fill you with emptiness;They speak visions from their own fancy,not from the mouth of the Lord.

17. They say to those who despise the word of the Lord,“Peace shall be yours”;And to everyone who walks in hardness of heart,“No evil shall overtake you.”

18. Now, who has stood in the council of the Lord,to see him and to hear his word?Who has heeded his word so as to announce it?

19. See, the storm of the Lord!His wrath breaks forthIn a whirling stormthat bursts upon the heads of the wicked.

20. The anger of the Lord shall not abateuntil he has carried out completelythe decisions of his heart.In days to comeyou will understand fully.

21. I did not send these prophets,yet they ran;I did not speak to them,yet they prophesied.

22. Had they stood in my council,they would have proclaimed my words to my people,They would have brought them back from their evil waysand from their wicked deeds.

23. Am I a God near at hand only—oracle of the Lord—and not a God far off?

24. Can anyone hide in secretwithout my seeing them?—oracle of the Lord.Do I not fillheaven and earth?—oracle of the Lord.

25. I have heard the prophets who prophesy lies in my name say, “I had a dream! I had a dream!”

26. How long? Will the hearts of the prophets who prophesy lies and their own deceitful fancies ever turn back?

27. By the dreams they tell each other, they plan to make my people forget my name, just as their ancestors forgot my name for Baal.

28. Let the prophets who have dreams tell their dreams; let those who have my word speak my word truthfully!What has straw to do with wheat?—oracle of the Lord.

Read complete chapter Jeremiah 23