Old Testament

New Testament

Isaiah 57:10-21 New American Bible, Revised Edition (NABRE)

10. Though worn out with the length of your journey,you never said, “It is hopeless”;You found your strength revived,and so you did not weaken.

11. Whom did you dread and fear,that you told lies,And me you did not remembernor take to heart?Am I to keep silent and conceal,while you show no fear of me?

12. I will proclaim your justiceand your works;but they shall not help you.

13. When you cry out,let your collection of idols save you.All these the wind shall carry off,a mere breath shall bear them away;But whoever takes refuge in me shall inherit the land,and possess my holy mountain.

14. And I say:Build up, build up, prepare the way,remove every obstacle from my people’s way.

15. For thus says the high and lofty One,the One who dwells forever, whose name is holy:I dwell in a high and holy place,but also with the contrite and lowly of spirit,To revive the spirit of the lowly,to revive the heart of the crushed.

16. For I will not accuse forever,nor always be angry;For without me their spirit fails,the life breath that I have given.

17. Because of their wicked avarice I grew angry;I struck them, hiding myself from them in wrath.But they turned back, following the wayof their own heart.

18. I saw their ways,but I will heal them.I will lead them and restore full comfort to themand to those who mourn for them,

19. creating words of comfort.Peace! Peace to those who are far and near,says the Lord; and I will heal them.

20. But the wicked are like the tossing seawhich cannot be still,Its waters cast up mire and mud.

21. There is no peace for the wicked!says my God.

Read complete chapter Isaiah 57