Old Testament

New Testament

Isaiah 30:1-14 New American Bible, Revised Edition (NABRE)

1. Ah! Rebellious children,oracle of the Lord,Who carry out a plan that is not mine,who make an alliance I did not inspire,thus adding sin upon sin;

2. They go down to Egypt,without asking my counsel,To seek strength in Pharaoh’s protectionand take refuge in Egypt’s shadow.

3. Pharaoh’s protection shall become your shame,refuge in Egypt’s shadow your disgrace.

4. When his princes are at Zoanand his messengers reach Hanes,

5. All shall be ashamedof a people that gain them nothing,Neither help nor benefit,but only shame and reproach.

6. Oracle on the Beasts of the Negeb.Through the distressed and troubled landof the lioness and roaring lion,of the viper and flying saraph,They carry their riches on the backs of donkeysand their treasures on the humps of camelsTo a people good for nothing,

7. to Egypt whose help is futile and vain.Therefore I call her“Rahab Sit-still.”

8. Now come, write it on a tablet they can keep,inscribe it on a scroll;That in time to come it may bean eternal witness.

9. For this is a rebellious people,deceitful children,Children who refuseto listen to the instruction of the Lord;

10. Who say to the seers, “Do not see”;to the prophets, “Do not prophesy truth for us;speak smooth things to us, see visions that deceive!

11. Turn aside from the way! Get out of the path!Let us hear no moreof the Holy One of Israel!”

12. Therefore, thus says the Holy One of Israel:Because you reject this word,And put your trust in oppression and deceit,and depend on them,

13. This iniquity of yours shall belike a descending riftBulging out in a high wallwhose crash comes suddenly, in an instant,

14. Crashing like a potter’s jarsmashed beyond rescue,And among its fragments cannot be founda sherd to scoop fire from the hearthor dip water from the cistern.

Read complete chapter Isaiah 30