Old Testament

New Testament

Isaiah 21:11-17 New American Bible, Revised Edition (NABRE)

11. Oracle on Dumah:They call to me from Seir,“Watchman, how much longer the night?Watchman, how much longer the night?”

12. The watchman replies,“Morning has come, and again night.If you will ask, ask; come back again.”

13. Oracle: in the steppe:In the thicket in the steppe you will spend the night,caravans of Dedanites.

14. Meet the thirsty, bring them water,inhabitants of the land of Tema,greet the fugitives with bread.

15. For they have fled from the sword,from the drawn sword;From the taut bow,from the thick of battle.

16. For thus the Lord has said to me: In another year, like the years of a hired laborer, all the glory of Kedar shall come to an end.

17. Few of Kedar’s stalwart archers shall remain, for the Lord, the God of Israel, has spoken.

Read complete chapter Isaiah 21