Old Testament

New Testament

Isaiah 2:5-11 New American Bible, Revised Edition (NABRE)

5. House of Jacob, come,let us walk in the light of the Lord!

6. You have abandoned your people,the house of Jacob!Because they are filled with diviners,and soothsayers, like the Philistines;with foreigners they clasp hands.

7. Their land is full of silver and gold,there is no end to their treasures;Their land is full of horses,there is no end to their chariots.

8. Their land is full of idols;they bow down to the works of their hands,what their fingers have made.

9. So all shall be abased,each one brought low.Do not pardon them!

10. Get behind the rocks,hide in the dust,From the terror of the Lordand the splendor of his majesty!

11. The eyes of human pride shall be lowered,the arrogance of mortals shall be abased,and the Lord alone will be exalted, on that day.

Read complete chapter Isaiah 2