Old Testament

New Testament

Exodus 29:28-37 New American Bible, Revised Edition (NABRE)

28. Such things are due to Aaron and his sons from the Israelites by a perpetual statute as a contribution. From their communion offerings, too, the Israelites shall make a contribution, their contribution to the Lord.

29. The sacred vestments of Aaron shall be passed down to his sons after him, that in them they may be anointed and installed.

30. The son who succeeds him as priest and who is to enter the tent of meeting to minister in the sanctuary shall be clothed with them for seven days.

31. You shall take the installation ram and boil its meat in a holy place.

32. At the entrance of the tent of meeting Aaron and his sons shall eat the meat of the ram and the bread that is in the basket.

33. They themselves are to eat of these things by which atonement was made at their installation and consecration; but no unauthorized person may eat of them, since they are sacred.

34. If some of the meat of the installation sacrifice or some of the bread remains over on the next day, this remnant you must burn up; it is not to be eaten, since it is sacred.

35. Carry out all these commands in regard to Aaron and his sons just as I have given them to you. Seven days you shall spend installing them,

36. sacrificing a bull each day as a purification offering, to make atonement. Thus you shall purify the altar by purging it, and you shall anoint it in order to consecrate it.

37. Seven days you shall spend in purging the altar and in consecrating it. Then the altar will be most sacred, and whatever touches it will become sacred.

Read complete chapter Exodus 29