Old Testament

New Testament

Deuteronomy 14:17-24 New American Bible, Revised Edition (NABRE)

17. the horned owl, the osprey, the cormorant,

18. the stork, any kind of heron, the hoopoe, and the bat.

19. All winged insects are also unclean for you and shall not be eaten.

20. Any clean winged creatures you may eat.

21. You shall not eat the carcass of any animal that has died of itself; but you may give it to a resident alien within your gates to eat, or you may sell it to a foreigner. For you are a people holy to the Lord, your God.You shall not boil a young goat in its mother’s milk.

22. Each year you shall tithe all the produce of your seed that grows in the field;

23. then in the place which the Lord, your God, chooses as the dwelling place of his name you shall eat in his presence the tithe of your grain, wine and oil, as well as the firstlings of your herd and flock, that you may learn always to fear the Lord, your God.

24. But if, when the Lord, your God, blesses you, the journey is too much for you and you are not able to bring your tithe, because the place which the Lord, your God, chooses to put his name is too far for you,

Read complete chapter Deuteronomy 14