Old Testament

New Testament

Baruch 4:1-8 New American Bible, Revised Edition (NABRE)

1. She is the book of the precepts of God,the law that endures forever;All who cling to her will live,but those will die who forsake her.

2. Turn, O Jacob, and receive her:walk by her light toward splendor.

3. Do not give your glory to another,your privileges to an alien nation.

4. Blessed are we, O Israel;for what pleases God is known to us!

5. Take courage, my people!Remember, O Israel,

6. You were sold to the nationsnot for destruction;It was because you angered Godthat you were handed over to your foes.

7. For you provoked your Makerwith sacrifices to demons and not to God;

8. You forgot the eternal God who nourished you,and you grieved Jerusalem who nurtured you.

Read complete chapter Baruch 4