Old Testament

New Testament

2 Maccabees 3:30-40 New American Bible, Revised Edition (NABRE)

30. the people praised the Lord who had marvelously glorified his own place; and the temple, charged so shortly before with fear and commotion, was filled with joy and gladness, now that the almighty Lord had appeared.

31. Quickly some of the companions of Heliodorus begged Onias to call upon the Most High to spare the life of one who was about to breathe his last.

32. The high priest, suspecting that the king might think that Heliodorus had suffered some foul play at the hands of the Jews, offered a sacrifice for the man’s recovery.

33. While the high priest was offering the sacrifice of atonement, the same young men dressed in the same clothing again appeared and stood before Heliodorus. “Be very grateful to the high priest Onias,” they told him. “It is for his sake that the Lord has spared your life.

34. Since you have been scourged by Heaven, proclaim to all God’s great power.” When they had said this, they disappeared.

35. After Heliodorus had offered a sacrifice to the Lord and made most solemn vows to the one who had spared his life, he bade Onias farewell, and returned with his soldiers to the king.

36. Before all he gave witness to the deeds of the most high God that he had seen with his own eyes.

37. When the king asked Heliodorus what sort of person would be suitable to be sent to Jerusalem next, he answered:

38. “If you have an enemy or one who is plotting against the government, send him there, and you will get him back with a flogging, if indeed he survives at all; for there is certainly some divine power about the place.

39. The one whose dwelling is in heaven watches over that place and protects it, and strikes down and destroys those who come to harm it.”

40. This was how the matter concerning Heliodorus and the preservation of the treasury turned out.

Read complete chapter 2 Maccabees 3