Old Testament

New Testament

2 Maccabees 15:1-7 New American Bible, Revised Edition (NABRE)

1. When Nicanor learned that Judas and his companions were in the territory of Samaria, he decided he could attack them in complete safety on the day of rest.

2. The Jews who were forced to accompany him pleaded, “Do not massacre them so savagely and barbarously, but show respect for the day which the All-seeing has exalted with holiness above all other days.”

3. At this the thrice-accursed wretch asked if there was a ruler in heaven who prescribed the keeping of the sabbath day.

4. They replied, “It is the living Lord, the ruler in heaven, who commands the observance of the sabbath day.”

5. Then he said, “I, the ruler on earth, command you to take up arms and carry out the king’s business.” Nevertheless he did not succeed in carrying out his cruel plan.

6. In his utter boastfulness and arrogance Nicanor had determined to erect a public victory monument over Judas and his companions.

7. But Maccabeus remained confident, fully convinced that he would receive help from the Lord.

Read complete chapter 2 Maccabees 15