Old Testament

New Testament

2 Chronicles 13:15-22 New American Bible, Revised Edition (NABRE)

15. Then the Judahites shouted; and when they shouted, God struck down Jeroboam and all Israel before Abijah and Judah.

16. The Israelites fled before Judah, and God delivered them into their power.

17. Abijah and his people inflicted a severe defeat upon them; five hundred thousand picked men of Israel fell slain.

18. The Israelites were humbled on that occasion, while the Judahites were victorious because they relied on the Lord, the God of their ancestors.

19. Abijah pursued Jeroboam and seized cities from him: Bethel and its dependencies, Jeshanah and its dependencies, and Ephron and its dependencies.

20. Jeroboam did not regain power during Abijah’s time; the Lord struck him down and he died,

21. while Abijah continued to grow stronger. He married fourteen wives and fathered twenty-two sons and sixteen daughters.

22. The rest of the acts of Abijah, his deeds and his words, are recorded in the midrash of the prophet Iddo.

Read complete chapter 2 Chronicles 13