Old Testament

New Testament

1 Samuel 2:1-5 New American Bible, Revised Edition (NABRE)

1. And Hannah prayed:“My heart exults in the Lord,my horn is exalted by my God.I have swallowed up my enemies;I rejoice in your victory.

2. There is no Holy One like the Lord;there is no Rock like our God.

3. Speak boastfully no longer,Do not let arrogance issue from your mouths.For an all-knowing God is the Lord,a God who weighs actions.

4. “The bows of the mighty are broken,while the tottering gird on strength.

5. The well-fed hire themselves out for bread,while the hungry no longer have to toil.The barren wife bears seven sons,while the mother of many languishes.

Read complete chapter 1 Samuel 2