Old Testament

New Testament

1 Maccabees 5:42-51 New American Bible, Revised Edition (NABRE)

42. But when Judas reached the flowing wadi, he stationed the officers of the people beside it and gave them this order: “Do not allow anyone to encamp; all must go into battle.”

43. He was the first to cross to the attack, with all the people behind him, and all the Gentiles were crushed before them. They threw away their arms and fled to the temple enclosure at Carnaim.

44. But Judas’ troops captured the city and burnt the temple enclosure with all who were in it. So Carnaim was subdued, and Judas met with no more resistance.

45. Then Judas assembled all the Israelites, great and small, who were in Gilead, with their wives and children and their goods, a very large company, to go into the land of Judah.

46. When they reached Ephron, a large and strongly fortified city along the way, they found it impossible to go around it on either the right or the left; they would have to march right through it.

47. But the people in the city shut them out and blocked up the gates with stones.

48. Then Judas sent them this peaceful message: “Let us cross your territory in order to reach our own; no one will harm you; we will only march through.” But they would not open to him.

49. So Judas ordered a proclamation to be made in the camp that everyone should take up positions where they were.

50. When the men of the army took up their positions, he assaulted the city all that day and night, and it was delivered into his hand.

51. He put every male to the sword, leveled the city, took spoils and passed through it over the slain.

Read complete chapter 1 Maccabees 5