Old Testament

New Testament

1 Maccabees 5:31-38 New American Bible, Revised Edition (NABRE)

31. When Judas perceived that the struggle had begun and that the noise of the battle was resounding to heaven with trumpet blasts and loud shouting,

32. he said to the men of his army, “Fight for our kindred today.”

33. He came up behind them with three columns blowing their trumpets and crying out in prayer.

34. When the army of Timothy realized that it was Maccabeus, they fled before him, and he inflicted on them a great defeat. About eight thousand of their men fell that day.

35. Then he turned toward Alema and attacked and captured it; he killed every male, took spoils, and burned it down.

36. From there he moved on and took Chaspho, Maked, Bosor, and the other cities of Gilead.

37. After these events Timothy assembled another army and camped opposite Raphon, on the other side of the wadi.

38. Judas sent men to spy on the camp, and they reported to him: “All the Gentiles around us have rallied to him, making a very large force;

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