Old Testament

New Testament

1 Maccabees 14:31-36 New American Bible, Revised Edition (NABRE)

31. When their enemies sought to invade and ravage their country and to violate their sanctuary,

32. Simon rose up and fought for his nation, spending large sums of his own money to equip his nation’s forces and give them their pay.

33. He fortified the cities of Judea, especially the border city of Beth-zur, formerly the site of the enemy’s weaponry, and he stationed there a garrison of Jewish soldiers.

34. He also fortified Joppa by the sea and Gazara on the border of Azotus, a place previously occupied by the enemy; these cities he settled with Jews and furnished them with all that was necessary for their restoration.

35. When the people saw Simon’s fidelity and the glory he planned to bring to his nation, they made him their leader and high priest because of all he had accomplished and the justice and fidelity he had shown his nation. In every way he sought to exalt his people.

36. “‘In his time and under his guidance they succeeded in driving the Gentiles out of their country and those in the City of David in Jerusalem, who had built for themselves a citadel from which they used to sally forth to defile the environs of the sanctuary and inflict grave injury on its purity.

Read complete chapter 1 Maccabees 14