Old Testament

New Testament

1 Maccabees 10:82-89 New American Bible, Revised Edition (NABRE)

82. Then Simon brought forward his force, and engaged the phalanx in battle. Since the cavalry were exhausted, the phalanx was crushed by him and fled,

83. while the cavalry too were scattered over the plain. They fled to Azotus and entered Beth-dagon, the temple of their idol, to save themselves.

84. But Jonathan burned and plundered Azotus with its neighboring towns, and destroyed by fire both the temple of Dagon and those who had taken refuge in it.

85. Those who fell by the sword, together with those who were burned alive, came to about eight thousand.

86. Then Jonathan left there and encamped at Askalon, and the people of that city came out to meet him with great pomp.

87. Jonathan and those with him then returned to Jerusalem, with much spoil.

88. When King Alexander heard of these events, he accorded new honors to Jonathan.

89. He sent him a gold buckle, such as is usually given to King’s Kinsmen; he also gave him Ekron and all its territory as a possession.

Read complete chapter 1 Maccabees 10