Old Testament

New Testament

Zechariah 7:6-14 Modern English Version (MEV)

6. And when you eat and when you drink, do you not eat and drink for yourselves?

7. Were these not the very words that the former prophets proclaimed when Jerusalem dwelled with ease along with her surrounding cities, and when the Negev and the Lowland were inhabited?

8. And the word of the Lord came to Zechariah, saying:

9. Thus says the Lord of Hosts: Execute true justice, show mercy and compassion, every man to his brother.

10. Do not oppress the widow, orphan, sojourner, or poor. And let none of you contemplate evil deeds in your hearts against his brother.

11. But they refused to pay attention and turned a stubborn shoulder, and stopped their ears so that they should not hear.

12. They made their hearts hard like a diamond so as not to hear the instruction and words that the Lord of Hosts sent by His Spirit through the former prophets, and there was great anger from the Lord of Hosts.

13. Therefore it happened that as I called, and they would not hear, so they called, and I would not hear, says the Lord of Hosts.

14. So I scattered them about among all the nations whom they did not know, so the land was left desolate behind them with no one coming or going. And they made a desirable land desolate.

Read complete chapter Zechariah 7