Old Testament

New Testament

Psalms 119:39-52 Modern English Version (MEV)

39. Turn away my reproach that I dread,for Your judgments are good.

40. Behold, I have a longing for Your precepts;revive me in Your righteousness.

41. Let Your mercies come to me, O Lord,even Your deliverance according to Your word.

42. So I shall have an answer for him who reproaches me,for I trust in Your word.

43. Do not take the word of truth out of my mouth,for I have hoped in Your judgments.

44. So I shall keep Your law continually,forever and ever.

45. I will walk in an open space,for I seek Your precepts.

46. I will speak of Your testimonies also before kingsand will not be ashamed.

47. I will delight in Your commandments,which I have loved.

48. My hands I will lift up unto Your commandments, which I have loved;I will meditate on Your statutes.

49. Remember Your word to Your servant,on which You have caused me to hope.

50. This is my comfort in my affliction,for Your word revives me.

51. The proud ones have derided me,yet I have not forsaken Your law.

52. I remembered Your judgments of old, OLord,and I have comforted myself.

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