Old Testament

New Testament

Obadiah 1:2-13 Modern English Version (MEV)

2. See, I will make you small among the nations;you will be greatly despised.

3. The pride of your heart has deceived you,you who live in the clefts of the rock,whose dwelling is high;you say in your heart,“Who will bring me down to the ground?”

4. Though you ascend high like the eagle,and though you set your nest among the stars,I will bring you down from there,says the Lord.

5. If thieves came to you,if robbers by night—how you have been destroyed!—would they not steal only what they want?If grape gatherers come to you,would they not leave gleanings?

6. How the things of Esau have been ransacked!How his hidden treasures hunted out!

7. All your confederates have driven you to the border;your allies have deceived and prevailed against you.Those who eat your bread have set a trap for you.You will not detect it.

8. On that day, says the Lord,I will destroy the wise out of Edom,and understanding out of Mount Esau.

9. Your mighty men shall be shattered, OTeman,so that everyone from Mount Esau will be cut off.

10. For the slaughter and the violence done to your brother Jacob,shame shall cover you,and you shall be cut off forever.

11. On the day that you stood aside,on the day that strangers carried off his wealth,and foreigners entered his gatesand cast lots on Jerusalem,you also were like one of them.

12. But you should not have gloatedon the day of your brother,on the day of his misfortune;you should not have rejoiced over the children of Judahon the day of their destruction;you should not have boastedon the day of distress.

13. You should not have entered the gate of My peopleon the day of their calamity.You should not have gloated over the disaster of Judahon the day of his calamity;you should not have seized his wealthon the day of his calamity.

Read complete chapter Obadiah 1