Old Testament

New Testament

Numbers 11:24-35 Modern English Version (MEV)

24. Moses went out, and he spoke to the people the words of the Lord and gathered the seventy men of the elders of the people and set them around the tabernacle.

25. And the Lord came down in a cloud, and spoke to him, and took of the Spirit that was on him, and gave it to the seventy elders, and when the Spirit rested on them, they prophesied, but did not do it again.

26. But two men remained in the camp. The name of one was Eldad, and the name of the other, Medad. And the Spirit rested on them. They were among those listed, but they had not gone out to the tent, and so they prophesied in the camp.

27. And a young man ran and told Moses and said, “Eldad and Medad prophesy in the camp.”

28. Then Joshua the son of Nun, the assistant of Moses from his youth, answered and said, “My lord Moses, forbid them.”

29. Moses said to him, “Are you jealous for my sake? Oh, that all the people of the Lord were prophets, and that the Lord would put His Spirit upon them!”

30. And Moses returned to the camp, he and the elders of Israel.

31. Now a wind from the Lord started up, and it swept quail from the sea and let them fall beside the camp, about a day’s journey on this side and a day’s journey on the other side, around the camp, and about two cubits above the ground.

32. And the people stayed up all that day, all night, and all the next day, and gathered the quail. Those who gathered least gathered ten homers. And they spread them out for themselves all around the camp.

33. While the meat was between their teeth, before it was chewed, the anger of the Lord burned against the people, and the Lord struck the people with a very great slaughter.

34. And he called the name of that place Kibroth Hattaavah because there they buried the people who had the craving.

35. The people journeyed from Kibroth Hattaavah to Hazeroth, and they camped at Hazeroth.

Read complete chapter Numbers 11