Old Testament

New Testament

Job 22:13-22 Modern English Version (MEV)

13. And you say, ‘What does God know?Can He judge through the dark cloud?

14. Thick clouds are His covering, so He cannot see;and He walks above the circle of heaven.’

15. Will you keep to the old way,that wicked men have trod?

16. They were cut down before their time;their foundations were swept away by a flood.

17. They said to God, ‘Depart from us,’and, ‘What can the Almighty do to us?’

18. Yet He filled their houses with good things;but the counsel of the wicked is far from me.

19. “The righteous see it and are glad,and the innocent laugh them to scorn:

20. ‘Surely our adversaries are cut down,and the fire consumes their remnant.’

21. “Now acquaint yourself with Him and be at peace;thereby good will come to you.

22. Receive, I pray, the teaching from His mouth,and lay up His words in your heart.

Read complete chapter Job 22