Old Testament

New Testament

2 Chronicles 7:17-22 Modern English Version (MEV)

17. “And you, if you walk before Me as David your father did to do everything that I command you to do, and you keep My statutes and judgments,

18. then I will set the throne of your kingdom as I made a covenant with David your father saying, ‘You will not lack a man to rule Israel.’

19. “But if the people turn aside and abandon My statutes and commandments that I have given to you, and you walk after and serve other gods and worship them,

20. then I will uproot them from My land that I have given to them; and the house that I have consecrated for My name, I will throw it from before Me and set it as a proverb and taunt among the peoples.

21. And even though this house was majestic, it will lie desolate before all who pass by it, and they will say, ‘Why did the Lord do such a thing to this land and this house?’

22. Then they will say, ‘Because they abandoned the Lord, the God of their fathers who brought them up from the land of Egypt, and they took hold of other gods and worshipped and served them; therefore He has brought on them all this disaster.”

Read complete chapter 2 Chronicles 7