Old Testament

New Testament

2 Chronicles 14:10-15 Modern English Version (MEV)

10. Then Asa went out to engage him, and they arranged for battle in the Valley of Zephathah near Mareshah.

11. And Asa cried out the Lord his God, and said, “Lord, it is nothing with You to help, whether with many or with those who have no power. Help us, O Lord our God; for we trust in You, and in Your name we come against this multitude. O Lord, You are our God. Let no man prevail against You.”

12. So the Lord struck down the Ethiopian Cushites before Asa and Judah, and the Cushites fled.

13. Then Asa and those with him pursued them until Gerar. And the Cushites fell till there was not one left alive because they were struck down before the Lord and His army. And those in Judah carried off a very great plunder.

14. And they struck down all the cities surrounding Gerar because the terror of the Lord was on them. And they plundered all the cities because there was a great amount of possessions in them.

15. And they also struck the tents holding livestock, and they carried off sheep and a great amount of camels. Then they returned to Jerusalem.

Read complete chapter 2 Chronicles 14