Old Testament

New Testament

1 Chronicles 16:30-43 Modern English Version (MEV)

30. Tremble before Him, all the earth.The world also is firmly established; it shall not be moved.

31. Let the heavens rejoice, and let the earth be glad.Let them say among the nations, “The Lord is King.”

32. Let the sea roar, and all its fullness.Let the field rejoice, and all that is in it.

33. Then the trees of the forest will ring out before the Lord,for He is coming to judge the earth.

34. Oh, give thanks to the Lord, for He is good;for His mercy endures forever.

35. Now say, “Save us, O God of our salvation,and gather us and deliver us from the nations,that we may give thanks to Your holy name,to glory in Your praise.

36. Blessed is the Lord, the God of Israel,from everlasting to everlasting.”Then all the people said, “Amen,” and “Praise the Lord.”

37. So he left Asaph and his brothers before the ark of the covenant of the Lord to minister before the ark regularly, as each day required,

38. and also Obed-Edom and his sixty-eight brothers, while Obed-Edom, the son of Jeduthun, and Hosah were to be gatekeepers.

39. And he left Zadok the priest and his priestly brothers before the tabernacle of the Lord at the high place that was at Gibeon

40. to offer burnt offerings to the Lord on the altar of burnt offering continually, morning and evening, according to all that was written in the Law of the Lord, which He commanded Israel.

41. With them were Heman and Jeduthun and the rest who were chosen, who were marked by name to give thanks to the Lord, for His mercy endures forever.

42. Heman and Jeduthun had with them trumpets and cymbals to sound aloud and instruments for sacred song. The sons of Jeduthun were appointed to the gate.

43. Then all the people departed, each man to his house, and David returned to bless his house.

Read complete chapter 1 Chronicles 16