Old Testament

New Testament

Mark 8:1-9 Modern English Version (MEV)

1. In those days, the crowds being very great with nothing to eat, Jesus called His disciples to Him and said to them,

2. “I have compassion on the crowd, because they have now been with Me three days and have nothing to eat.

3. If I send them away fasting to their own houses, they will faint on the way, for some of them have come from afar.”

4. His disciples answered, “Where can one get bread to feed these men here in the wilderness?”

5. He asked them, “How many loaves do you have?”They said, “Seven.”

6. He commanded the people to sit down on the ground. Taking the seven loaves and giving thanks, He broke them and gave them to His disciples to serve. And they served the crowd.

7. And they had a few small fish. And blessing them, He commanded that these also be served them.

8. So they ate and were filled. And they collected seven baskets of the broken pieces that were left.

9. There were about four thousand who had eaten, and He sent them away.

Read complete chapter Mark 8