Old Testament

Psalms 89:33-46 Metrical Psalms 1650 (MP1650)

33. Yet I'll not take my love from him,nor false my promise make.

34. My cov'nant I'll not break, nor changewhat with my mouth I spake.

35. Once by my holiness I sware,to David I'll not lie;

36. His seed and throne shall, as the sun,before me last for aye.

37. It, like the moon, shall ever beestablish'd stedfastly;And like to that which in the heav'ndoth witness faithfully.

38. But thou, displeased, hast cast off,thou didst abhor and loathe;With him that thine anointed isthou hast been very wroth.

39. Thou hast thy servant's covenantmade void, and quite cast by;Thou hast profan'd his crown, while itcast on the ground doth lie.

40. Thou all his hedges hast broke down,his strong holds down hast torn.

41. He to all passers-by a spoil,to neighbours is a scorn.

42. Thou hast set up his foes' right hand;mad'st all his en'mies glad:

43. Turn'd his sword's edge, and himto stand in battle hast not made.

44. His glory thou hast made to cease,his throne to ground down cast;

45. Shorten'd his days of youth, and himwith shame thou cover'd hast.

46. How long, Lord, wilt thou hide thyself?for ever, in thine ire?And shall thine indignationburn like unto a fire?

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