Old Testament

Psalms 89:29-39 Metrical Psalms 1650 (MP1650)

29. His seed I by my pow'r will makefor ever to endure;And, as the days of heav'n, his throneshall stable be, and sure.

30. But if his children shall forsakemy laws, and go astray,And in my judgments shall not walk,but wander from my way:

31. If they my laws break,and do not keep my commandements;

32. I'll visit then their faults with rods,their sins with chastisements.

33. Yet I'll not take my love from him,nor false my promise make.

34. My cov'nant I'll not break, nor changewhat with my mouth I spake.

35. Once by my holiness I sware,to David I'll not lie;

36. His seed and throne shall, as the sun,before me last for aye.

37. It, like the moon, shall ever beestablish'd stedfastly;And like to that which in the heav'ndoth witness faithfully.

38. But thou, displeased, hast cast off,thou didst abhor and loathe;With him that thine anointed isthou hast been very wroth.

39. Thou hast thy servant's covenantmade void, and quite cast by;Thou hast profan'd his crown, while itcast on the ground doth lie.

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