Old Testament

Psalms 89:1-11 Metrical Psalms 1650 (MP1650)

1. God's mercies I will ever sing;and with my mouth I shallThy faithfulness make to be knownto generations all.

2. For mercy shall be built, said I,for ever to endure;Thy faithfulness, ev'n in the heav'ns,thou wilt establish sure.

3. I with my chosen One have madea cov'nant graciously;And to my servant, whom I lov'd,to David sworn have I;

4. That I thy seed establish shallfor ever to remain,And will to generations allthy throne build and maintain.

5. The praises of thy wonders, Lord,the heavens shall express;And in the congregationof saints thy faithfulness.

6. For who in heaven with the Lordmay once himself compare?Who is like God among the sonsof those that mighty are?

7. Great fear in meeting of the saintsis due unto the Lord;And he of all about him shouldwith rev'rence be ador'd.

8. O thou that art the Lord of hosts,what Lord in mightinessIs like to thee? who compass'd roundart with thy faithfulness.

9. Ev'n in the raging of the seathou over it dost reign;And when the waves thereof do swell,thou stillest them again.

10. Rahab in pieces thou didst break,like one that slaughter'd is;And with thy mighty arm thou hastdispers'd thine enemies.

11. The heav'ns are thine, thou for thine ownthe earth dost also take;The world, and fulness of the same,thy pow'r did found and make.

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