Old Testament

Psalms 78:48-60 Metrical Psalms 1650 (MP1650)

48. Their beasts to hail he gave; their flockshot thunderbolts did waste.

49. Fierce burning wrath he on them cast,and indignation strong,And troubles sore, by sending forthill angels them among.

50. He to his wrath made way; their soulfrom death he did not save;But over to the pestilencethe lives of them he gave.

51. In Egypt land the first-born allhe smote down ev'ry where;Among the tents of Ham, ev'n thesechief of their strength that were.

52. But his own people, like to sheep,thence to go forth he made;And he, amidst the wilderness,them, as a flock, did lead.

53. And he them safely on did lead,so that they did not fear;Whereas their en'mies by the seaquite overwhelmed were.

54. To borders of his sanctuarythe Lord his people led,Ev'n to the mount which his right handfor them had purchased.

55. The nations of Canaan,by his almighty hand,Before their face he did expelout of their native land;Which for inheritance to themby line he did divide,And made the tribes of Israelwithin their tents abide.

56. Yet God most high they did provoke,and tempted ever still;And to observe his testimoniesdid not incline their will:

57. But, like their fathers, turned back,and dealt unfaithfully:Aside they turned, like a bowthat shoots deceitfully.

58. For they to anger did provokehim with their places high;And with their graven imagesmov'd him to jealousy.

59. When God heard this, he waxed wroth,and much loath'd Isr'el then:

60. So Shiloh's tent he left, the tentwhich he had plac'd with men.

Read complete chapter Psalms 78