Old Testament

Psalms 50:5-16 Metrical Psalms 1650 (MP1650)

5. Together let my saintsunto me gather'd be,Those that by sacrifice have madea covenant with me.

6. And then the heavens shallhis righteousness declare:Because the Lord himself is heby whom men judged are.

7. My people Isr'el hear,speak will I from on high,Against thee I will testify;God, ev'n thy God, am I.

8. I for thy sacrificeno blame will on thee lay,Nor for burnt-off 'rings, which to methou offer'dst ev'ry day.

9. I'll take no calf nor goatsfrom house or fold of thine:

10. For beasts of forests, cattle allon thousand hills, are mine.

11. The fowls on mountains highare all to me well known;Wild beasts which in the fields do lie,ev'n they are all mine own.

12. Then, if I hungry were,I would not tell it thee;Because the world, and fulness allthereof, belongs to me.

13. Will I eat flesh of bulls?or goats' blood drink will I?

14. Thanks offer thou to God, and paythy vows to the most High.

15. And call upon me whenin trouble thou shalt be;I will deliver thee, and thoumy name shalt glorify.

16. But to the wicked manGod saith, My laws and truthShould'st thou declare? how dar'st thou takemy cov'nant in thy mouth?

Read complete chapter Psalms 50