Old Testament

Psalms 48:2-8 Metrical Psalms 1650 (MP1650)

2. Mount Sion stands most beautiful,the joy of all the land;The city of the mighty Kingon her north side doth stand.

3. The Lord within her palacesis for a refuge known.

4. For, lo, the kings that gather'd weretogether, by have gone.

5. But when they did behold the same,they, wond'ring, would not stay;But, being troubled at the sight,they thence did haste away.

6. Great terror there took hold on them;they were possess'd with fear;Their grief came like a woman's pain,when she a child doth bear.

7. Thou Tarshish ships with east wind break'st:

8. As we have heard it told,So, in the city of the Lord,our eyes did it behold;In our God's city, which his handfor ever stablish will.

Read complete chapter Psalms 48