Old Testament

Psalms 33:6-11 Metrical Psalms 1650 (MP1650)

6. The heavens by the word of Goddid their beginning take;And by the breathing of his mouthhe all their hosts did make.

7. The waters of the seas he bringstogether as an heap;And in storehouses, as it were,he layeth up the deep.

8. Let earth, and all that live therein,with rev'rence fear the Lord;Let all the world's inhabitantsdread him with one accord.

9. For he did speak the word, and doneit was without delay;Established it firmly stood,whatever he did say.

10. God doth the counsel bring to noughtwhich heathen folk do take;And what the people do deviseof none effect doth make.

11. O but the counsel of the Lorddoth stand for ever sure;And of his heart the purposesfrom age to age endure.

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