Old Testament

Psalms 33:12-19 Metrical Psalms 1650 (MP1650)

12. That nation blessed is, whose God JEHOVAH is, and thoseA blessed people are, whom forhis heritage he chose.

13. The Lord from heav'n sees and beholdsall sons of men full well:

14. He views all from his dwelling-placethat in the earth do dwell.

15. He forms their hearts alike, and alltheir doings he observes.

16. Great hosts save not a king, much strengthno mighty man preserves.

17. An horse for preservationis a deceitful thing;And by the greatness of his strengthcan no deliv'rance bring.

18. Behold on those that do him fearthe Lord doth set his eye;Ev'n those who on his mercy dowith confidence rely.

19. From death to free their soul, in dearthlife unto them to yield.

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