Old Testament

Psalms 33:1-12 Metrical Psalms 1650 (MP1650)

1. Ye righteous, in the Lord rejoice;it comely is and right,That upright men, with thankful voice,should praise the Lord of might.

2. Praise God with harp, and unto himsing with the psaltery;Upon a ten-string'd instrumentmake ye sweet melody.

3. A new song to him sing, and playwith loud noise skilfully;

4. For right is God's word, all his worksare done in verity.

5. To judgment and to righteousnessa love he beareth still;The loving-kindness of the Lordthe earth throughout doth fill.

6. The heavens by the word of Goddid their beginning take;And by the breathing of his mouthhe all their hosts did make.

7. The waters of the seas he bringstogether as an heap;And in storehouses, as it were,he layeth up the deep.

8. Let earth, and all that live therein,with rev'rence fear the Lord;Let all the world's inhabitantsdread him with one accord.

9. For he did speak the word, and doneit was without delay;Established it firmly stood,whatever he did say.

10. God doth the counsel bring to noughtwhich heathen folk do take;And what the people do deviseof none effect doth make.

11. O but the counsel of the Lorddoth stand for ever sure;And of his heart the purposesfrom age to age endure.

12. That nation blessed is, whose God JEHOVAH is, and thoseA blessed people are, whom forhis heritage he chose.

Read complete chapter Psalms 33