Old Testament

Psalms 25:6-15 Metrical Psalms 1650 (MP1650)

6. Thy tender mercies, Lord,I pray thee to remember,And loving-kindnesses; for theyhave been of old for ever.

7. My sins and faults of youthdo thou, O Lord, forget:After thy mercy think on me,and for thy goodness great.

8. God good and upright is:the way he'll sinners show.

9. The meek in judgment he will guide,and make his path to know.

10. The whole paths of the Lordare truth and mercy sure,To those that do his cov'nant keep,and testimonies pure.

11. Now, for thine own name's sake,O Lord, I thee entreatTo pardon mine iniquity;for it is very great.

12. What man is he that fearsthe Lord, and doth him serve?Him shall he teach the way that heshall choose, and still observe.

13. His soul shall dwell at ease;and his posterityShall flourish still, and of the earthinheritors shall be.

14. With those that fear him isthe secret of the Lord;The knowledge of his covenanthe will to them afford.

15. Mine eyes upon the Lordcontinually are set:For he it is that shall bring forthmy feet out of the net.

Read complete chapter Psalms 25