Old Testament

Psalms 145:9-18 Metrical Psalms 1650 (MP1650)

9. The Lord JEHOVAH unto allhis goodness doth declare;And over all his other workshis tender mercies are.

10. Thee all thy works shall praise, O Lord,and thee thy saints shall bless;

11. They shall thy kingdom's glory show,thy pow'r by speech express:

12. To make the sons of men to knowhis acts done mightily,And of his kingdom th' excellentand glorious majesty.

13. Thy kingdom shall for ever stand,thy reign through ages all.

14. God raiseth all that are bow'd down,upholdeth all that fall.

15. The eyes of all things wait on thee,the giver of all good;And thou, in time convenient,bestow'st on them their food:

16. Thine hand thou open'st lib'rally,and of thy bounty givesEnough to satisfy the needof ev'ry thing that lives.

17. The Lord is just in all his ways,holy in his works all.

18. God's near to all that call on him,in truth that on him call.

Read complete chapter Psalms 145