Old Testament

Psalms 135:1-6 Metrical Psalms 1650 (MP1650)

1. Praise ye the Lord, the Lord's name praise;his servants, praise ye God.

2. Who stand in God's house, in the courtsof our God make abode.

3. Praise ye the Lord, for he is good;unto him praises sing:Sing praises to his name, becauseit is a pleasant thing.

4. For Jacob to himself the Lorddid chuse of his good pleasure,And he hath chosen Israelfor his peculiar treasure.

5. Because I know assuredlythe Lord is very great,And that our Lord above all godsin glory hath his seat.

6. What things soever pleas'd the Lord,that in the heav'n did he,And in the earth, the seas,and all the places deep that be.

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