Old Testament

Psalms 119:64-74 Metrical Psalms 1650 (MP1650)

64. O Lord, thy mercy fills the earth:teach me thy laws, I pray.

65. Well hast thou with thy servant dealt,as thou didst promise give.

66. Good judgment me, and knowledge teach,for I thy word believe.

67. Ere I afflicted was I stray'd;but now I keep thy word.

68. Both good thou art, and good thou do'st:teach me thy statutes, Lord.

69. The men that are puff 'd up with prideagainst me forg'd a lie;Yet thy commandements observewith my whole heart will I.

70. Their hearts, through worldly ease and wealth,as fat as grease they be:But in thy holy law I takedelight continually.

71. It hath been very good for methat I afflicted was,That I might well instructed be,and learn thy holy laws.

72. The word that cometh from thy mouthis better unto meThan many thousands and great sumsof gold and silver be.

73. Thou mad'st and fashion'dst me: thy lawsto know give wisdom, Lord.

74. So who thee fear shall joy to seeme trusting in thy word.

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