Old Testament

Psalms 119:160-168 Metrical Psalms 1650 (MP1650)

160. From the beginning all thy wordhath been most true and sure:Thy righteous judgments ev'ry onefor evermore endure.

161. Princes have persecuted me,although no cause they saw:But still of thy most holy wordmy heart doth stand in awe.

162. I at thy word rejoice, as oneof spoil that finds great store.

163. Thy law I love; but lying allI hate and do abhor.

164. Sev'n times a-day it is my careto give due praise to thee;Because of all thy judgments, Lord,which righteous ever be.

165. Great peace have they who love thy law;offence they shall have none.

166. I hop'd for thy salvation, Lord,and thy commands have done.

167. My soul thy testimonies pureobserved carefully;On them my heart is set, and themI love exceedingly.

168. Thy testimonies and thy lawsI kept with special care;For all my works and ways each onebefore thee open are.

Read complete chapter Psalms 119