Old Testament

Psalms 105:1-13 Metrical Psalms 1650 (MP1650)

1. Give thanks to God, call on his name;to men his deeds make known.

2. Sing ye to him, sing psalms; proclaimhis wondrous works each one.

3. See that ye in his holy nameto glory do accord;And let the heart of ev'ry onerejoice that seeks the Lord.

4. The Lord Almighty, and his strength,with stedfast hearts seek ye:His blessed and his gracious faceseek ye continually.

5. Think on the works that he hath done,which admiration breed;His wonders, and the judgments allwhich from his mouth proceed;

6. O ye that are of Abr'ham's race,his servant well approv'n;And ye that Jacob's children are,whom he chose for his own.

7. Because he, and he only, isthe mighty Lord our God;And his most righteous judgments arein all the earth abroad.

8. His cov'nant he remember'd hath,that it may ever stand:To thousand generationsthe word he did command.

9. Which covenant he firmly madewith faithful Abraham,And unto Isaac, by his oath,he did renew the same:

10. And unto Jacob, for a law,he made it firm and sure,A covenant to Israel,which ever should endure.

11. He said, I'll give Canaan's landfor heritage to you;

12. While they were strangers there,and few, in number very few:

13. While yet they went from land to landwithout a sure abode;And while through sundry kingdoms theydid wander far abroad;

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