Old Testament

New Testament

Leviticus 21:11-23 Lexham English Bible (LEB)

11. And he shall not go near any dead person, nor shall he make himself unclean for his father or for his mother.

12. And he shall not go out from the sanctuary, and he shall not profane his God’s sanctuary, because the dedication of his God’s oil of anointment is on him; I am Yahweh.

13. “ ‘And he himself must take a wife in her virginity.

14. A widow or a divorced woman or a defiled woman, a prostitute—these he must not take; he shall take only a virgin from his people as wife.

15. And he shall not profane his offspring among his people, because I am Yahweh, who consecrates him.’ ”

16. Then Yahweh spoke to Moses, saying,

17. “Speak to Aaron, saying, ‘A man from your offspring throughout their generations, in whom is a physical defect, shall not come near to present your God’s food.

18. Indeed, any man in whom is a physical defect shall not come near: a blind man or lame or disfigured or deformed,

19. or a man in whom is a broken foot or a broken hand,

20. or a hunchback or a dwarf, or a spot in his eye or a skin disorder or a skin eruption or a crushed testicle.

21. Any man from Aaron the priest’s offspring in whom is a physical defect shall not come near to present offerings made by fire to Yahweh; a physical defect is in him; he shall not come near to present his God’s food.

22. He may eat his God’s food, from the most holy things and from the holy things.

23. But he must not enter the curtain, and he must not come near to the altar, because a physical defect is in him, and he must not profane my sanctuary, because I am Yahweh, who consecrates them.’ ”

Read complete chapter Leviticus 21