Old Testament

New Testament

Jeremiah 32:9-20 Lexham English Bible (LEB)

9. And I bought the field from Hanamel, the son of my uncle, that was at Anathoth. And I weighed out to him the money, seventeen silver shekels.

10. And I signed on the letter and sealed it, and I called witnesses as witness, and I weighed out the money on a set of scales.

11. Then I took the deed of the purchase, the sealed copy containing the commandments and the rules, together with the one that was open.

12. And I gave the deed of the purchase to Baruch the son of Neriah, the son of Mahseiah, in the presence of Hanamel, the son of my uncle, and in the presence of the witnesses who signed the deed of the purchase, in the presence of the Judeans who were sitting in the courtyard of the guard.

13. And I commanded Baruch in their presence, saying,

14. ‘Thus says Yahweh of hosts, the God of Israel, “Take these deeds, this deed of the purchase, the sealed one, and this opened deed, and you must put them in an earthenware jar so that they may be kept preserved many days.”

15. For thus says Yahweh of hosts, the God of Israel: “Houses and fields and vineyards will again be bought in this land.” ’

16. And I prayed to Yahweh—after giving my deed of the purchase to Baruch the son of Neriah—saying,

17. ‘Ah Lord Yahweh! Look, you made the heavens and the earth by your great power and by your outstretched arm. Nothing is too difficult for you,

18. showing loyal love to the thousands, and repaying the guilt of parents into the laps of their children after them. Powerful, great, mighty, his name is Yahweh of hosts,

19. great in counsel and great in deed, whose eyes are opened to all the ways of the children of humankind, to give to each one according to his ways and according to the fruit of his deeds,

20. who accomplished signs and wonders in the land of Egypt, up to this day, and in Israel, and among humankind, and you have made for yourself a name, as it is this day.

Read complete chapter Jeremiah 32